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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Top Selling Mobile Phone Accessories

If you have any plan to buy mobile phone online, then check out the various models available at Online Mobile stores. These E-commerce websites not only offer latest mobile phones, but also gives mobile phone reviews to make it easier for buying the right model that can meet your all demands. Moreover, along with mobile phones, you can also buy attractive mobile accessories to add more powers to your smartphone.

Unlike the latest high-end cell phones, you can buy mobile accessories online at an attractive price range. Most of these phone accessories have a price tag under Rs 2000. With low price, these mobile accessories like memory cards, batteries, screen guards and headphones bring more storage capacity, backup time and protection for your mobile phone. Here are three top selling cell phone accessories.

Memory Cards

Memory cards extend the storage capacity of your smartphones. Latest mobile phones support memory extension up to 32 GB, so that you can store more songs, photos and even movies. Starting from 2 GB to 64 GB, memory cards are available in different storage capacity. Top brands like Transcend, SanDisk, Verbatim and Sony have different memory cards with a price tag beginning from Rs 200. 

       Bluetooth Headsets

Bluetooth Headset gives you more of what you want in a mobile phone. With this stylish and advanced mobile accessory, you can receive calls and hear songs without keeping your cell phone near to ear. The Bluetooth headset price is depended on the brand and features. Cell phone manufactures like Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and BlackBerry have different models with price tag ranging from Rs 1000 to 3000. Other brands like Plantronics, BSpeech, BlueAnt, iBall and Philips also have Bluetooth headsets. You can also use these headsets with best laptops.

 Cell Phone Battery

Mobile phone battery is another hot selling cake in Online Mobile Stores. If you are not getting enough backup time with your cell phone battery, you can buy new ones with more capacity. You can select branded batteries from manufactures like Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and BlackBerry. Starting from Rs 500, the price of these cell phone batteries vary according to brand and capacity.


  1. Thanks for sharing such useful information.The information provided here is very nice.Vender movil viejo

  2. Mobile phones accessories have become the best companion that well matches with the hectic schedules of almost everyone. These tiny tools are amazingly changing the aspects of the entire communication system. Such useful devices are specially crafted to meet the high tech requirements of every user.
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